Thursday, April 8, 2010

A note on the ‘Facilities’ at Lake Quallilup

Being a polite sort of girl, I have spared you the details of a lot of the toilet arrangements on our trip (for which you should be MOST grateful) – but this time we experienced the ultimate in bush toilets. This takes a laid back attitude to doing your business, to a whole new level.

We had been told by Darren’s fishing shop buddy that there were facilities at the lake. When we arrived, because it was nearly dark, we didn’t see any building that it could possibly be.
Ah, but next morning Darren pointed out the loo to me…
As I mentioned, there was a large area of open land at one end of the lake, and then trees haphazardly surrounding the rest of the lake. We were camped in the open part, and then behind that was heavy bush land. Well, just in front of that bush land, about 100 metres from the caravan, on the edge of the open area, there was what looked like a blue tub, about the height of an esky*, and the diameter of….
“That’s your loo” says Darren.
“That’s a tub someone left behind”, says I.
“That’s your loo”, says he. ”Go and look”.
“You are kidding”, says I, and went to look.

Well, he was right. It looked like a round blue esky with a white lid, but it wasn’t. When I opened the lid, there was the loo seat, and beyond plunging into the depths was a hole of darkness.
Well, this was certainly the best ventilated toilet block I had been in (that’s a plus). It also, naturally, wins the prize for the loo with the best view (couldn’t BE more natural, in fact). I suppose you could, if you had the guts, just calmly walk up, while people water skied on the lake, and fished from the shore, get out your newspaper for a comfortable read, and settle down to do your morning business… OR you could get up at 5 a.m., run there, run back and congratulate yourself on a job well privately done.

New game: spot the loo, with the view, in the photoo …

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