Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feb 23rd - The Intrepid Fisherman Returns! A tender reunion?

You would imagine after 14 days and barely any contact by phone, the reunion would be a thing of beauty and tenderness.
But wait, remember the protagonists; remember that Darren will be delighted and excited, but that Victoria will be grumpy and bumpy. She will have had to drive the ambulance around for over half an hour waiting for the plane, illegally waiting in side streets of the airport environs, wondering if he has remembered their telephone number. Remember too, that the ambulance barely fits into the airport pick up/ drop off point, so adding extra stress to the anticipation of picking her husband up. Then remember that apparently helpful words from the passenger, to tell the driver how to drive after the pick up, would be neither tolerated, nor acceptable to the driver.
If you remember all that, you will have a better picture of the tender reunion!

Yup, I was hot, grumpy and stressed when I went to pick him up, and then we managed to argue in the car on the way home, when Darren told me how to change gears, when I had managed quite well without him for 2 weeks, THANK-YOU! Not the auspicious start we were both hoping for.

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