Tuesday, April 13, 2010

March Forth (sic) to Windy Geraldton, Kalbarri and a pink lake

Geraldton is over 700Km (437 miles)north of Perth on the coast, it is famed for its strong winds and is a major holiday spot for windsurfer dudes. as a result the trees famously grow at a rather extraordinary angle. We knew when we were approaching it.
It also has all the major shops. Darren managed to find ‘Tackleworld’, and spent a good half an hour happily browsing, hoping I was going to let him buy something. One filleting knife, a trip to Woolies and a trip to a charity shop for a rashy*, later, and we were off to Kalbarri. Yup, I am now the proud owner of a child’s rashy; bright green with purple sleeves and completed by a picture of ‘The Lion King’ on the front. For $3 I can’t complain.
*lycra sun top you swim in

About 60km South of Kalbarri there is a lake that is described as a ‘pink lake’, apparently because of the beta carotene within its waters. I was sceptical, and not too excited – until we saw it. It was SO pink! We were driving past it, and had to turn around to stop, get a closer look and a few pictures. Disappointingly the pictures do not show the colour at its full vibrancy, but believe me it was pinker than a tickled pink thing going to a pink dance with new pink pumps. Ok, just take my word for it.

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