Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday 5 Feb – My sister’s birthday – HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENEDICTA! – Miller’s Point through Albany to Parry Beach Camp Site (235 Kms / 146 Miles)

After we had, a little reluctantly, packed up to get on our way to Albany, we had been told that about 45Kms along the road there was a tiny petrol station with a toilet block with – wait for it! Free showers!
This was too good to be true so we went to investigate. Sure enough, at Wellstead, (apt name), the tiniest blip on the map, there was a petrol station, near it a fresh water drinking fountain (gold), and a public loo block, with a perfectly clean shower room, the size of our bathroom at home, with hot and cold water. Tra-la-laaaa! Dance and boogie for we shall be cleeeeean!
It is an odd thing to do, to get your shower things in the middle of the day, find your shampoo and comb, while watching trucks go by just metres away. But on this trip a real shower with walls and a ceiling is too good to pass up. In fact it is unthinkable to pass up.
People ask what I most miss on this trip – answer: my bathroom.

While Darren was transforming himself from Neanderthal Man to Metrosexual Man I was watching a bunch of black cockatoos that flew by screeching and landed in a nearby tree. There were loads of them, and the noise was terrific. Then another lot flew over. All I needed now was Tippi Hedren to come out of the Petrol station and drive away in a Chrysler Valiant. I would not have been surprised.

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